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Dark Chocolate Mini D9 30MG



Each one of our delicous chocolates represents one serving, but since each square contains 30mg of active materials, consuming an entire square may be too intense of some users. 

We recommend that you begin using this product by first enjoying one-third of the piece. Depending on your physical composition and tolerance, the effects of the Delta 9 THC and CBD should be felt anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours after consuming. Wait for at least two hours, and if the desired effect is not realized, further consumption may proceed. Proceed slowly to find your sweet spot and remember, you can always take more, but once it's already been consumed there's no going back. 

You should not consume this product if you are currently breastfeeding, pregnant, operating heavy machinery, performing brain surgery, judging 4H goat competitions, or polka dancing. Enjoy in a safe space, responsibly. 


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